Jeff Spar's Credentials
Dr. Jeff Spar is Director of Coaching Services at The Center
for Executive and Corporate Development. He is a Personal/
Executive/ Business Coach, psychologist, speaker, columnist
and consultant.
- Over 30 years experience as a successful private practitioner
in psychology dealing specifically in areas of
communication, relationships and work.
- Affiliate of the Pyramid Resource Group, Research Triangle
Park, North Carolina. Working with senior coaches
as part of a team in major corporations throughout
the United States and around the world.
- Afflilate of The Physicians Leadership Group an organization
designed to provide coaching services for Physicians
and Health Care Professionals dealing with leadership
and career alternatives.
- Site Director for The Highlands Program™,
Miami, Florida; a nationally offered life and career development
program which formally assesses the natural abilities of
individuals. Clients define an individual blueprint that
guides them through a process to define work that best fits
their abilities.
- Consultant to businesses and organizations
in conducting job studies; objectively defining the nature
of positions using benchmark criteria assessments. Assists
employers in making more accurate hiring judgements. Use
of 360' competency based feedback instruments to develop
more effective work cultures and teams.
- Specialized training in coaching to
enhance these specific skills, participated in an international
coach training institute which is recognized as the premiere
educational source of its kind.
- Frequently invited speaker at professional
and organizational events dealing with the issue of work,
relationships and lifestyle management.
- Consultant to media in areas related
to work, family and effecting balance between the two. Appeared
on numerous radio, television and news broadcasts in programs
dealing with these and related subjects.
- Member of International Coach Federation.
- Past President of the Florida Association
of Marriage and
Family Therapy.