"There are two
primary choices in life, to accept conditions as they exist or accept the responsibility for
changing them."



The Coaching Relationship

How is this Agenda Accomplished

The Cost of Coaching

Areas of Expertise and Relevant Affiliations


The Coaching Relationship

It's About Self Care

Have you ever seen a finely tuned athlete or an incredibly talented performer working with a coach? Why do the finest swimmers, tennis players and golfers, as well as the most gifted actors, dancers and speakers, work with a coach? Because coaching keeps them focused on taking their game to the next level.

Can you imagine operating a car by allowing it to run out of gas once a week and never changing the oil, adding water or checking the tire pressure? Before long, you would be driving a car that is a serious detriment to your life, rather than an asset. In fact, it could be so dangerous   as to be life threatening! Most of us, in attempting to reach our goals or define our success , treat ourselves like those automobiles. Preferably, we can choose to operate more efficiently, electing to fine-tune our precision, so we are thriving, not just surviving.

It's About Self Definition

If you think back to the people in your life — a teacher, a mentor, a coach who believed in you more than you did in yourself — you begin to get a sense of what working with a coach can be like. Clients frequently feel ambivalent when colleagues, spouses and friends — all who have their well being in mind — also have very specific roles for them to play. We tend to assume certain roles in order to maintain how we fit into their lives. This is not at all unusual. In fact, it is quite normal. Nevertheless, it can lead to a point where we place the essence of who we are, what we want, and most importantly, how we define success and purpose , on a back burner. As your coach, I will help you listen to your own voice. We will work together to clarify your values and how you see success, and provide an opportunity to define yourself from your truest perspective.

It's About Partnership

A coaching relationship makes a real difference in your life. It is a partnership that, by design, helps you make life choices that sustain and maximize life energy. Like the successful people mentioned above, focusing on the choices you make will create, expand and preserve your precious energy. Coaching helps you begin a process of living your life by using your energy judiciously and effectively to achieve your life's goals. Together, we can build an agenda to help you move toward your goals with a minimum of energy drain and a maximum of energy flow.

During my thirty years of experience as a clinical psychologist in a culturally diverse community, I have developed a comfortable working relationship with a wide variety of people. Much of my clinical practice focuses on relationships — marital, familial, business, etc. I bring this strong experiential base into all my coaching work. The way in which relationships either augment (add energy) or detract (remove energy) constitutes the majority of the issues that govern human interaction. How we navigate and manage our way through relationships often determines how we come to our ultimate definition of success.

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How is this Agenda Accomplished?

Coaches listen in a very specific and careful way, noticing not only the obvious “iceberg” that protrudes from the ocean, but also the nuances and subtleties beneath the “water level.” Coaches, like no other person you know, talk straight with you. They tell the truth, helping you look at blind spots — things you can’t see very readily and others won’t usually tell you about. They also help you see the obstacles that habitually get in the way. Since they have no other agenda in the relationship but yours, coaches are free to guide you back onto your own personal trajectory. As a coach, I ask questions and carefully select assessments designed to unearth your truest self. The answers to your questions tap your wisdom, inner knowledge, values and interests, and help formulate the maps for your agenda and direction.

Once you establish an objective, I request action plans designed to move you in the direction you want to go. By testing the action plans, we create opportunities for real life situations to become learning laboratories, giving you new information about yourself. Just as with artists and athletes, the learning labs help you refine your objectives, values and direction by bringing you closer and closer to your target. If you get off track, my job is to guide you back.

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The Cost of Coaching

The Highlands Abilities Battery and The Print Survey assessments with two hours of feedback included.
$650.00 (US)

Minimum of a three month contract, including the introductory package above. Coaching includes three 40 minute sessions per month either face-to-face or via teleconference. Coaching clients will be offered a wide variety of assessments that are fine tuned to their particular needs.

Group Coaching:
For existing groups or teams who want to work on joint objectives and communication enhancement. Rates will be developed on an as needed basis with the groups involved.

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Areas of Expertise and Relevant Affiliations




Physicians & Healthcare Professionals

Career & Life Transitions

Building a Home

Executive Assimilation & Transition Coaching


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