Let's make a really, really big impact on your organization...
- Are you interested in creating meaningful change in your organization; really changing things at the core?
- Would you like to see the very nature of how teams work together become more goal directed and focused?
- Do your teams need to find tools to come together to create more effective ways of completing projects and providing deliverables?
- Would you like your people to be productive and enjoy coming to work?
- Would you like to have managers who know how to incorporate coaching into their leadership repertoire?
- Are you tired of applying bandaids to problems? Ready to deal with the whole system and look deeply into creating and living the culture you really want?
I'm affiliated with a cadre of coaches with a diversified range of backgrounds. My relationship with the Pyramid Resource Group, allows me to tap into a group of world-class coaches and bring them right to your organization. The level of work possible with this coaching team is extraordinary, and includes creating initiatives that allow for the integration of coaching into an entire organizational culture. I have operated the South Florida office of the Pyramid Resource Group since 1999, and our clients include some of the largest companies in the world, including Fortune 500 corporations. Contact me and we can talk about setting up a comprehensive and meaningful partnership with your group!