It's lonely at the top — you don't have to go through it alone...
I have enjoyed working with a variety of executives and managers. Working with those at the top is especially rewarding because coaching not only has an impact on the individuals being coached, but also creates a ripple effect that can permeate an entire organization.
- As a leader, do you sometimes feel isolated because everyone wants something from you?
- Do you need someone who is objective, whose agenda is about your growth and development, your success, as you define it?
- Are you tired of getting feedback that is distorted because it's designed to tell you what you want to hear?
- Do the things you want personally complement or curtail what you're doing in your work environment?
- YOU can't separate your home life from your corporate life. If one isn't working, I'll bet it is draining the other! How do you want to make them work more effectively together, so that you can feel successful in both places?
Let's put together a plan that addresses who you are, what you want and how to get it. Everyone thinks your on top of the world, you want to feel like you are...let's find out what needs to happen to fill the gaps and create your real success.