Executive Assimilation and Transition Coaching
...the natural continuation of a good executive recruiting program
- As a Corporation you're willing to spend top dollar on recruiting the VERY BEST talent in the marketplace
- Don't you provide a great benefits package to attract the right person and insure that they have an incentive to become a part of your organization?
- Wouldn't it be a tremendous benefit to your organization to get relationships and expectations all aligned before your new executive comes on board?
Dr. Jeff Spar, director of the Center for Executive and Corporate Development has coordinated an alliance with Hollander Horizon, a renowned name in recruiting, to provide your new executives with the transitional support they need to make a smooth shift into your organization.
- Working closely during the search phase, we become involved in developing a clear understanding of the kind of talent that you need and exactly how you hope to use that talent within the organization.
- We all know that moving jobs, locations and families can be energy zapping and you want your new executives to come onboard with all the energy they need to get rolling as quickly as possible.
- We also understand in the words of Chester I Bernard, that "we hire people for their talents, but the whole person shows up for work." The needs of your new executive also extend to familial adjustments, that when anticipated and worked through, can facilitate an easier transition for the whole family. We'll work with spouses and children to go through the process with greater ease.
- You've used 360 feedback as part of your developmental and performance review process. Have you considered an anticipatory 360? Who are the peers, stakeholders, internal and external customers for your new executive. What is it that they will ideally want in the relationship with the new hire. We can work with all these parties to insure that everything gets off to a good start. Learning the ropes does not have to be an arbitrary, haphazard process!
- Pinpointing areas that require emphasis and priority; and learning the culture of the organization and how it fits with the values of the newly hired executive will make for a more clearly targeted placement that will really click easily and set the stage right from the onset.
- Your development of successful talent does not have to wait until someone comes on the job, it can begin from the moment they are hired. See how the executive assimilation and transition program will work for your organization.