"The most exciting breakthrough of
the 21st Century will occur not because of technology; but because of an expanding concept of what it means
to be human."
-John Naisbitt
in Megatrends 2000


Coaching for Physicians & Healthcare Professionals

The arena of health care has become increasingly challenging as we move into the 21st Century.  Many physicians and ancillary care givers have been exploring more creative ways to use their talents...

  • Are you wanting to stay connected to the reasons that got you into the healthcare arena in the first place?

  • Bogged down and burnt out from the demands of managed care?

  • Do you need to define yourself in a more creative manner?

Join others who have taken the step to define themselves rather than be defined by systems that feel exploitative. What unique skills and abilities can you incorporate into your work? What needs in healthcare can be addressed with new and creative energy? Are you willing to look at yourself in a new way? Let's explore the possibilities that may exist as you explore what others have done to navigate their medical careers.




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